Rabbit Care Guide

With this Care Guide we hope to improve the quality of life of domestic rabbits by sharing expert tips, helpful links and recommendations sourced from multiple rabbit rescues and rabbit-savvy exotic veterinarians.


We’ll talk about:

  • lifestyle considerations for perspective rabbit owners
  • factors that the effect life expectancy of rabbits
  • how to bunny proof your room
  • essential supplies to get before bringing a rabbit home
  • what to feed your rabbit
  • veterinary care needs and common health issues.

DID YOU KNOW? Rabbits are the 3rd most common pets in the US. Unfortunately, they are also the 3rd most often to be dumped.

If you’ve heard rabbits are easy, low-maintenance, and snuggly pets that don’t require a lot of space or attention – you’re not alone. This is a common misconception that is perpetuated by breeders and pet stores to sell rabbits as ideal pets for small children. However, this leads to serious welfare issues for what is in reality a high-maintenance and expensive, exotic pet that needs as much attention as a cat or dog. Sadly, a majority of rabbits are confined to small cages and hutches, fed the wrong diets, and go without necessary veterinary care. When children lose interest or life circumstances change, rabbits end up neglected or “set free” outdoors where they won’t survive.





  • until you have to move
  • until you have a baby
  • until your kids get bored
  • until you have no time
  • until you get a dog or cat
  • until I get too old


How Long Do Rabbits Live?

Rabbits were once thought to be short-lived pets with a lifespan of only 2-5 years. However, this was largely due to improper care. As rabbits began living indoors, receiving ample space for exercise, eating better diets, and getting veterinary attention, their life expectancy has doubled. See “5 Factors That Affect a Rabbits Life Expectancy” below.

Today, with the proper care, dwarf rabbits typically live 8-12 years while larger breeds have a slightly shorter life expectancy of 6–8 years; making them a long-term commitment similar to a dog or cat.

Before getting a rabbit, ask yourself if you are prepared for a decade long commitment. Consider how your lifestyle may change over the next 10 years; such as college, moving, change in career or relationship status, or starting a family.

How Much Do Rabbits Cost To Own?

Initial Costs $200-300 Setting up for a new rabbit usually costs between $200 and $300. A suitable enclosure costs around $45 to $100; and essentials like a carrier, litter box, water bowl, hidey house, tunnel, toys and enrichment add another $75. Perishable supplies like litter, hay, and food, will cost roughly $50 and need to be replaced every few weeks.


Spay / Neuter Costs $400-600 Unless adopted from a reputable rescue or shelter, most rabbits are not spayed or neutered. Breeders and pet stores often sell rabbits as young as 8 weeks old, when they are sweet and docile. However in 4 to 6 months, hormonal changes can significantly impact their behavior, leading to territorial aggression, loss of litter box habits, and mating behaviors such as honking, mounting, and spraying urine. Many owners are shocked to learn that getting a rabbit fixed can cost as much as (if not more than) a dog.

*In South Florida, the average cost ranges from $400 to $600, although some clinics, humane societies and shelters may offer low-cost services for around $150 to $250.


Monthly Costs $80-200 The ongoing monthly cost of replacing perishable supplies like litter, hay, food pellets, fresh leafy greens & veggies, treats, and toys is around $80 to $200. This varies depending on the size of the rabbit, whether you opt for conventional or organic produce, and the types of litter, food, and hay used.


Annual Costs $1,200-2,000 Rabbits need a yearly check-up and blood work with a rabbit-savvy exotic veterinarian, which typically costs between $150 and $300 in South Florida. Including these check-ups and the monthly expenses, the annual cost of owning a rabbit usually falls between $1,200 and $2,000.

*Rabbits are delicate creatures, and medical emergencies are common. Emergency veterinary care can cost $500 to $1,500.


Lifetime Cost $16,000-30,000

5 Factors That Affect a Rabbits Life Expectancy

1 | Indoor/Outdoor Housing – Rabbits that are kept indoors and receive proper care can live 8–12 years (dwarf breeds) or 6–8 years (larger breeds). Outdoor rabbits face multiple risks such as: RHDV II, parasites, predators, and unsuitable temperatures, reducing their lifespan to just 1–2 years. Predators attacks happen much more quickly than humans can react, making outdoor playtime dangerous even with supervision. Long-haired and lop-eared rabbits begin to overheat at temperatures as low as 76°F.


2 | Enclosure, Exercise & Enrichment – Rabbits need lots of space to stay healthy. A minimum 16 – 24sq ft enclosure is recommended. Small cages can lead to big problems like: obesity, heart disease, muscle atrophy, dental problems, and infections. Providing ample space, exercise, and mental stimulation is essential for a rabbit’s well-being.


3 | Diet – Rabbits need UNLIMITED access to fresh, high-quality grass hay and water at all times. They should also get a serving of fortified pellets, leafy greens and vegetables each day. Hay promotes healthy digestion in rabbits. Lowering the risk of developing GI stasis and dental disease, as it helps to wears down their teeth, which grow continuously (3–4 inches per year) throughout their lives.


4 | Veterinary Care – Regular vet visits are crucial due to rabbits’ fragile nature and tendency to hide illnesses. Annual check-up and blood-work by an experienced exotic vet help catch problems early. Veterinary intervention is crucial if a rabbit stops eating or shows any other signs of illness, as they can deteriorate quickly, sometimes passing away within just 24 hours. Healthy rabbits should be taken to see an exotic vet once a year; at 6 years old rabbits are considered seniors and should be taken to the vet twice a year.


 5 | Breed – Certain breeds are prone to specific conditions. For example, Netherland Dwarfs, Lionheads, and Lops often develop dental disease and frequent respiratory infections due to the shape of their skull. Lops are also at high risk for recurring ear infections. Spotted rabbits may develop megacolon and Rex rabbits are prone to sore hocks. Understanding the risks of each breed is key to providing appropriate care.

1 | Preparation

Take time to consider how a rabbit would fit into your life both now and down the road. How much time do you spend at home vs being out? Do you travel frequently or is it a goal for the future? What will happen to the rabbit if you move or when your kids go to college?

10 Things To Consider Before Getting a Rabbit

1 | Space Requirements: Rabbits need at-least one room in the home where they can safely free roam. This room will need to be fully bunny proofed (see below). When you cannot supervise your rabbit they will need an enclosure that is a minimum 4ft x 4ft, 16sq ft living space and 30-36in tall.


2 | Crepuscular Nature: Do you like sleeping in? Rabbits may not be an ideal roommate then as they’ll be up and about as early as 6am. This is because rabbits, like cats, are crepuscular. Meaning the are most active around sunrise and sunset and sleep through the middle of the day and night.  This also means they need to be fed and interacted with during these times and they will not be interested in interacting from around 1oam-4pm which is their peak sleep time.


3 | Daily Time Commitment: Do you have 4 hours per day to spend with your rabbit? This includes feeding them, cleaning their area, socializing with them, and supervised exercise and free roam time. Rabbits thrive on routine, so feeding and interacting with them at the exact same times each day is recommended.


4 | Long-term Commitment: Rabbits can live 10 years or more and as they get older will need even more time and care. Consider long-term plans, such as school, career changes, moving, family planning, or changes in living situations, to ensure you can provide a stable home for the duration of your rabbit’s life.


5 | Work and School Schedules: If you are away from home most of the day for school or work and then have extracurricular activities or hobbies in the evening, bonding with your rabbit can be challenging. Lack of consistent interaction can cause rabbits to become depressed, fearful and antisocial.


6 | Housing Situations: Do you rent or own? Moving can be complicated as not all landlords allow pets and college dorms typically do not. Not disclosing a rabbit can result in hefty fines should landlords find out. (And they often do as this is common reason amongst surrender requests.) Ensure that you are prepared to prioritize your rabbit’s needs when choosing housing.


7 | Travel Frequency: Rabbits cannot be left alone for more than 24 hours. Finding a pet sitter that you can trust or a boarding facility that is experienced with rabbits is a challenge. Facilities that board dogs are not suitable as the constant barking can be stressful for rabbits and cause them to stop eating. Boarding with a vet or rescue can cost $35-45 per day.


8 | Family Planning: Pregnancy, newborn care, and the evolving interests of children can significantly impact the time and attention you can devote to a pet. If you are planning to start or expand your family in the future, consider if you will still be able to dedicate 4 hours per day to a rabbit. Talk to your partner to determine if they are willing to help out with or take over some of the rabbit’s care if needed.


9 | Children’s Involvement: While children may initially show interest in a rabbit, this enthusiasm usually wanes after a couple of weeks. Rabbits often become neglected and forgotten as children grow and become more involved with friends and other activities. Rabbits are also very delicate and not suitable for young children. Children under 12 years old need to be supervised at all times when in the room with the rabbit.


10 | Allergies and Health: Allergies are another common reason that many rescues receive urgent surrender requests. Ensure that no one in the home is allergic to rabbits or hay by taking an allergy test before getting a rabbit.

You’ll also need to make sure that your home is safe for, and from, them. Bunny proofing includes covering dangerous electrical cords, removing houseplants and plastic or rubber that could cause gastrointestinal problems if ingested, and blocking off unsafe areas. Covering your furniture with waterproof blankets can protect them from potential accidents.

Rabbit Proofing Your Home

Bunny proofing protects both your bunny and your belongings:

1 | Electrical Cables & Wires: Rabbits are notorious for chewing on ‘spicy hay’ a.k.a. dangerous electrical cables. Protect your rabbit from electrocution and yourself from having to explain what happened to the Ethernet cable by hiding electrical cables and wires behind furniture or covering them with heavy duty cord protectors. Check out the “Small Pet Select Heavy Duty Cord Cover“. Other common victims are phone chargers, headphone cables, laptop cables, shoe laces, drawstrings of hoodies and sweatpants.

2 | Furniture and Baseboards: Wooden items such as furniture legs and baseboards are another common targets for a rabbit’s chewing. Protect these by blocking access with grids, pens or other protective barriers. As a natural deterrent, you can also wipe down these surfaces with diluted white vinegar before letting your rabbit out to free roam.

3 | Rubber and Plastic Items: Unlike wood, which is usually harmless, rubber and plastic can cause deadly intestinal obstructions if ingested. Ensure all such materials are removed from areas your rabbit will have access to or securely blocked off. Consider TV remotes, wheels of strollers, office chairs or carts, exercise weights, children’s toys and plastic baby toys. Plastic stacking cups and other baby toys can be used for supervised play time but should NOT be left in the rabbits enclosure all of the time.

4 | House Plants: Many common houseplants are toxic to rabbits and no, unfortunately, rabbits do not have the innate sense to not eat something that can make them sick. Here are a few to watch out for: poinsettias, lilies (including Easter lilies), onion, rhubarb, hydrageas, chrysanthemums, iris, ivy, daffodil, poppy, rhododendrons, both tomato and potato plants, yew, and cannabis. But even non-toxic plants can upset a rabbits digestive systems, leading to serious health issues like GI stasis. Be sure to remove or block access to any houseplants. Fake houseplants can also be dangerous if rabbits ingest the synthetic material.

5 | Temperature Control: Rabbits are extremely sensitive to temperature changes. Maintain ambient temperatures between 64-74°F to keep your rabbit comfortable. Be especially cautious with long-haired and lop-eared breeds, which can start to overheat at 76°F.

6 | Protect Your Soft Furnishings: Use waterproof blankets on your beds and couches to guard against any accidents that might occur as your rabbit settles in. Avoid pee pads as these end up getting chewed and ingested.

7 | Block Small Spaces: Rabbits love to squeeze into small spaces and can burrow into the undersides of couches and beds. Use C&C grids to block off these areas.

8 | Avoid Respiratory Irritants: Because rabbits have a very sensitive respiratory system, avoid smoking, vaping, and burning incense. Scented plug-ins and air freshener sprays should be avoided as they are toxic and can cause respiratory and neurological problems, and even death.

Along with the physical preparations, create a daily and weekly schedule for feeding, cleaning, and bonding with your rabbit. Make sure this care routine fits alongside your existing social, family, work, school, and travel commitments to ensure you can provide consistent attention.

Rabbit Care Routine



  • Morning (around 7-8 AM): Provide a fresh serving of high quality hay and a portion of rabbit pellets.
  • Evening (around 6-7 PM): Repeat the morning feeding routine and include a serving of fresh leafy greens and vegetables.

Litter box and Area Maintenance:

  • Dedicate 15 minutes to tidying up the rabbit’s area each morning and evening. This includes picking up loose hay, litter, and stray poops, ensuring the space remains clean and comfortable.
  • Remove all soiled hay from the litter box twice a day. Add fresh hay directly into the litter box to encourage natural foraging and bathroom behaviors. Dump out the entire litter box every 2nd or 3rd day so that you can monitor how many poops the rabbit had in 24hrs and what they look like. This can help you catch and address illnesses early.


  • Spend quality time interacting with your rabbit during or after feeding times when they are most active. Aim for at least 15-45 minutes of dedicated socialization per session to build trust and familiarity.



Deep Cleaning:

  • Perform a thorough cleaning of the entire rabbit’s area once a week. This includes moving their pen and items to vacuuming their area rug. Washing any blankets or snuffle mats. Soaking their litter box with distilled white vinegar to remove residue. Checking their items and toys for wear to see if they need to be replaced. Wash food and water bowls with warm water and soap or pass through the dishwater.
  • Once a month you move their area rug to sweep, vacuum and mop underneath.

Health Check:

  • Conduct a basic health check to monitor your rabbit’s condition, including checking their eyes, ears, teeth, fur, nails, and weight. This regular monitoring helps catch any potential health issues early.


PRO TIP: Get a pet or baby scale and weight your rabbit each week. Keep a detailed log and talk to your veterinarian about any weight gain or loss.

2 | Housing & Supplies

Cages only provide 6-8sq ft of living space. Can you imagine keeping a dog or cat locked up in such a small space for 20hrs a day?

How Much Space Do Rabbits Need?

Rabbits need at-least 1 room that they can safely free-roam in. This room should be a central, high-traffic area in the home such as an (adults) bedroom or living-room. Just like cats and dogs, rabbits need lots of space to run and exercise and they do best when included in their family’s day to day activities as much as possible.

When they need to be contained, a single dwarf rabbit needs a minimum 4ft x 4ft, 16sq ft living space. A 4ft x 6ft, 24sq ft living space (pictured below) is preferred.

This will be their “home-base” for when you cannot supervise them. Rabbits will need to be let out of this enclosure for at least 3-4hrs a couple of times per day to free roam and exercise. For each additional rabbit (or 4lb of body weight), add 8-12sq ft to their living space to maintain a healthy and harmonious environment and prevent fighting and bulling due to resource guarding amongst multiple rabbits. Giant breeds will need an entire room to free roam all of the time.


4ft x 4ft, 16sq ft 1 dwarf sized rabbit (2-4lb)

4ft x 6ft, 24sq ft 1 medium sized rabbit (5-9lb) or a pair of dwarfs

6ft x 6ft, 36sq ft 1 large breed rabbit (10-14lb) or a pair of medium sized rabbits or a trio of dwarfs

FREE ROAM giant breed rabbits (15lb+)

1 year old Caspian in his foster home. He is available for adoption!

ENCLOSURE: (minimum size: 4ft x 4ft, 30-36in tall) Check out the “MidWest Metal Dog Exercise Pen” or a similar metal play pen. You can get a “Pen Cover” if you have other pets that may try to jump in and can add “Additional Panels” to make the enclosure bigger for larger breeds or multiple rabbits.

NO: Cages, Hutches, or Dog crates of any size; Cloth and plastic play pens can be chewed through and are dangerous if ingested.

Midwest Pet Exercise Pen
Pen Cover
Extension Panels

FLOORING: We recommend getting a 5ft x 7ft rug for you rabbits main area and smaller runners and rugs leading to different areas in the room or home. Rabbits tend to play “floor is lava” and avoid hard surfaces that don’t provide enough traction for them so they may not come out of their enclosure if that is the only place they have soft flooring.

NO: tile, wood, marble, or other hard surfaces these can lead to arthritis earlier in life; puppy pee pads or carpets with tassels or long fibers are an obstruction risk.

LITTER BOX: (minimum size: 14in x 18in) L or XL high sided cat liter box like the “Arm & Hammer Litter Box” or the “So Phresh Litter Box“.

NO: plastic or metal grids as these are not comfortable for rabbits feet and can cause sore feet, broken nails or toes if their feet get caught.

Arm & Hammer Recycled Litter Pan
Covered Litter Box*
So Phresh Litter Box
Petmate Litter Box, Jumbo
Oxbow Eco-Straw
Recycled Paper Pellets
Carefresh Paper Bedding

LITTER: Oxbow Eco-straw” is the best at absorbing urine and covering odor; “Recycled Paper Pellets” are also good but must be unscented and have no baking soda; Oxbow, Small Pet Select and Kaytee offer “paper bedding” however this type of litter will need to be changed more often, doesn’t cover odors and may be more messy as rabbits tend to kick it out of the litter box when they jump out.

NO: clay or clumping cat litters; or soft wood shavings such as aspen, cedar, pine, walnut as these can cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation.

FOOD / WATER BOWLS: (minimum size: 3 – 5 cup capacity) Use a heavy ceramic water bowl for water. It should be heavy enough that the rabbit cannot fling it or tip it over, plastic and metal bowls are not heavy enough. Food bowls are optional. Food pellets can be scatter fed to encourage foraging and fresh greens can be hand fed to encourage bonding.

NO: water bottles or food / water bowls that have a rubber bottom that may get chewed.

HIDING AREA: As prey animals, rabbits need a safe place to run and hide. Give them a few “Cardboard Houses“, “Wooden Castles” and “Tunnels” to retreat to. “Etsy” has many wooden castles for rabbits.

NO: cloths hideys or pet beds, rabbits pee on soft things and these will get soiled. These materials can also be dangerous if ingested. If you rabbit nibbles on their tunnel, keep it out for supervised free roam time but don’t leave it in their enclosure.

Cardboard House
Wooden Castle

CHEW TOYS and lots of them! Check out “Oxbow“, “Binky Bunny” and “Etsy“. Providing safe things for you rabbit to chew, like apple wood sticks and willow balls, can reduce chewing on baseboards and wooden furniture. Chew toys should be varied and changed out daily to prevent boredom.

NO: salt/mineral licks; lava stones can damage their teeth and are dangerous if pieces are ingested; check toys weekly for exposed nails, plastic and hot glue.

Apple Wood Sticks
Willow Ball
Oxbow Cupcake
Snuffle Mat
Puzzle Toy

ENRICHMENT: Get a “Snuffle Mat” and make your rabbit a “Dig Box” to encourage natural foraging and digging instincts, “Puzzle Toys” and “Treat Balls” helps stimulate their minds and encourage exercise.

CARRIER: (minimum size: 21in L x 13in W x 13in H) Because rabbits tend to hyperventilate due to stress when being transported, a hard sided carrier is recommended to keep them cool. They have also been known to chew their way out of soft carriers! Carriers that open on the top like the “MidWest Spree Carrier” make it easier to take your rabbit in and out. Just make sure you always have a soft blanket or towel to line the carrier and hay inside for the rabbit to munch on during the trip.

NO: sharing a carrier between pets as in the event of an emergency or evacuation all animals need their own carrier.

Midwest Spree Carrier

3 | Grooming


Rabbits should NEVER be bathed. They are self-cleaning animals and groom themselves repeatedly throughout the day like cats. Their fur is very dense and intended to stay dry and insulated, bathing is not only unnecessary but potentially dangerous. Bathing a rabbit can lead to severe stress, shock, and hypothermia, which can be fatal. Their fur takes a long time to dry, this increasing the risk of them getting chilled or developing a respiratory infection.

If your rabbit is dirty, you’ll need to clean them without getting them wet. You can use a damp cloth and a brush to spot-clean dirty areas, being sure to thoroughly dry the area afterwords and keep the rabbit warm.

Do not bath your rabbits or place them on their back like in this video. They are NOT relaxed or sleeping. They are in shock and paralyzed due to fear a.k.a tonic immobility.


As mentioned above, rabbits are meticulous self-groomers, much like cats, but unlike cats they can’t vomit hairballs, which can cause dangerous fur buildup in their digestive systems. Regular grooming helps prevent this. Short-haired rabbits need to be brushed for at least 15 minutes weekly, split into 2-3 sessions. Long-haired breeds, like lionheads and angoras, need daily brushing to avoid matting and may also require professional grooming or shaving every few months.

SHED SEASON: Twice a year, in spring and fall, rabbits will molt and replace their entire coat! During these periods, daily grooming becomes necessary even for short-haired breeds. You’ll also want to be on the lookout for “strings of pearls” where fecal pellets are connected by fur. This indicates the rabbit is ingesting a large amount of fur and is at risk for a potentially fatal obstruction.


Trim, or file, your rabbits nails every 2-3 months. You will need a pair of small animal nail clippers and styptic powder to stop any accidental bleeding. Make sure to identify the quick (the pink part inside the nail) and trim just the tip, avoiding the quick to prevent bleeding. If you accidentally cut the quick, apply styptic powder to stop the bleeding.

We recommend: “Pet Nail Clippers” and “Kwik Stop Styptic Powder“.

PRO TIP: offer treats during and after nail trims and grooming sessions.

3 | Recommended Diet


80-90% of a rabbit’s should be hay. Rabbits should have UNLIMITED access to fresh high-quality hay 24/7. Soiled hay should be changed out daily.

  • Juvenile rabbits (up to 6 months): Alfalfa Hay
  • Adult rabbits (6 months +): Timothy Hay

PRO TIP: “Oxbow” and “Small Pet Select” offer a variety of high quality hays (oat, botanical, orchard) if you would like to offer diverse flavors and textures in addition to western timothy hay.


10% of a rabbit’s diet should be green leafy vegetables. Organic vegetables (no pesticides) are recommended whenever possible. Always remove seeds as these are a choking risk.

  • Juvenile rabbits: can start to have small amounts of vegetables introduced into their diet at 3 months old. Vegetables should be introduced gradually, one per week, so that you can monitor for sensitivity or stomach upset. If any vegetable seems to cause digestive problems do not feed it in the future.
  • Adult rabbits: can have 1-2 cup (a small pinch) of leafy greens and 1-2 tablespoon of non-leafy green vegetables per day.

You can feed 1-2 cup of green leaf, red leaf and butter leaf lettuces daily. Other leafy greens like romaine, spinach, kale, turnip greens, dandelion greens, arugula, bok choy, and watercress and herbs like cilantro, basil, parsley, mint, and dill can be offered for variety 1-3 times per week.

You can also feed 1-2 tablespoon of the following non leafy vegetables: bell peppers, celery (remove veins or cut into small pieces), cucumber, green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts and radishes.

If your rabbit’s poops become small, dark, or smelly this amount should be reduced to every other day or 3 times per week. Read this: “Guide to Rabbit Poop


5% of a rabbit’s diet should be fortified food pellets.

  • Baby rabbits (up to 3 months): unlimited alfalfa based pellets.
  • Juvenile rabbits (3-6 months): 1/4 cup of alfalfa based pellets.
  • Adult rabbits (6 months +): 1/8 cup (2tbsp) of pellets per 2lb of body weight.


Less than 5% of a rabbit’s diet can be fruits and treats. Rabbits shouldn’t get more than 1-2 teaspoon size servings of fruits per week. That’s about the size of 1 strawberry or 1 baby carrot PER WEEK.

Carrots, apple, berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), orange, banana, pear, grapes (cut), kiwi, mango, papaya, peach, pineapple, apricot, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe.

Always remove seeds and pits. Offer watery fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe sparingly as they can cause diarrhea.


Oxbow Garden Select Rabbit Food
Small Pet Select Rabbit Food
Science Selective House Rabbit Food
Sherwood Adult Rabbit Food
Selective Naturals
Small Pet Select Healthy Snackers
Small Pet Select Herbal Blends

Avoid: nuts, seeds, corn, grains, dairy, fillers, artificial colors and added sugars.

“Mix” pellets and treats with seed and corn can lead to chocking and malnutrition due to selective eating. The first ingredient listed for pellets should be timothy hay for adult rabbits or alfalfa hay for young rabbits.


Meat, animal products (eggs / dairy), cat / dog food. Chocolate, seeds / nuts, peanut butter, muesli, cereal, oatmeal, rice, bread, cookies, crackers. Avocado, Swiss chard / silverbeet, iceberg lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, beet greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, onions, garlic, chives, shallots, potato and tomato tops/leaves, eggplant, cauliflower, aloe, parsnips, raisins, fruit pits/seeds.

If your rabbit has eaten one of the above, speak to your vet immediately. Some can cause death in a matter of hours.

4 | Veterinary Care

Rabbits are considered exotic animals and should only be seen and treated by an experienced exotic veterinarian. Although some veterinarians who treat cats and dogs ALSO treat rabbits and may advertise as treating “all animals” they:

See exotics at a much smaller volume than exotic vets. An exotic hospital can see 20 to 50 exotic animals in a day, on average a regular veterinary practice may see as little as one to five exotic pets a week.

May not be trained on proper handling techniques or have appropriately sized equipment. The instruments needed to look into a rabbit’s ear, mouth or nose are much smaller than those for cats and dogs.

May be able to perform a routine wellness exam and diagnose an illness but not be able to perform complex procedures. At which time they may recommend humane euthanasia or refer to an exotic specialist for further treatment. This delay in treatment can be deadly in the case of liver lobe torsion, obstruction, or dental abscesses; some of the common emergencies that rabbits face.

Many do not attend annual exotic veterinary conferences. Staying up to date is important as treatment protocols change year to year. Veterinarians who do not specialize in exotics may recommend a treatment that is outdated and no longer considered effective or safe.

May prescribe doses or medications that are not safe for exotic species. The wrong dose or type of antibiotic or anesthesia can be deadly. (READ MORE ABOUT ANTIBIOTICS)

Rabbits should be taken to exotic veterinarians because these specialists are statistically able to catch things earlier and are significantly more likely to be able to diagnose AND treat a variety of illnesses successfully.


PRO TIP: Look for “Exotic” in the name of the clinic or hospital.

What is RHDV?

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) is a calcivirus that specially affects rabbits. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted amongst both wild and domestic rabbits. The virus is transmitted through the urine, feces, and respiratory secretions of rabbits that are infected, or those that survive for up to 2 months. It can also be brought inside the home on dirt, leaves, flowers, or insects that have come in contact with an infected rabbit’s fur, feces or urine.

There is no cure and if contracted the fatality rate is as high as 70-90%. Death occurs within just 3-5 days of contracting the virus.

The virus traveled from Europe to the United States in 2020 and it is considered an epidemic. All states now offers annual vaccines for RHDV. Vaccinating your rabbit, keeping them strictly indoors and taking your shoes off by the door are important ways to keep your rabbit safe from this deadly disease.

Do Rabbits Need To See The Vet Every Year?


As prey animals rabbits instinctively hide signs of illness and do so very well. They should get a wellness exam, with blood work, every year with an experienced exotic veterinarian even if they “seem healthy.” This way illnesses can be caught and treated in the early stage. By the time symptoms become obvious it may be too late or much more difficult to treat; requiring more advanced and costly treatments. You should never ignore symptoms or try to treat rabbits at home yourself. “Home remedies” are no substitute for veterinary care and are often dangerous.

When rabbits are six years old they are considered senior pets and should visit an exotic vet twice a year. X-rays to determine if arthritis is present and lifelong pain management may be advised.

Cost of Veterinary Care for Rabbits

A physical exam with an experienced exotic veterinarian may cost $75-$105 in Florida. During a typical physical exam the veterinarian will document the weight and vital signs (temperature, heart and respiratory rates), listen to the heart and lungs, use a scope to look at the eyes and nose and inside the mouth and ears, etc. It is important that the veterinarian is experienced with properly handling exotic animals like rabbits because they have  fragile spines and are difficult to keep calm and safely restrain. Improper handling can lead to stress and spinal injuries.

Because rabbits hide signs of illness, blood work should be performed every year to check the functioning of internal organs, this can be an additional $150-$300. In the case of a suspected injury or illness, veterinarians may need to perform diagnostic x-rays which can cost $250-$450. If surgery is needed, depending on the length and complexity it may range from $900 – $1600 or more.

The average cost of a spay/neuter surgery in Florida is $400-$600.

It is recommended to have a medical savings account of $1000 per rabbit for emergencies.

Another option is to GET PET INSURANCE WITH NATIONWIDE or APPLY FOR CARE CREDIT to get 6 months interest free financing for unexpected costs.

Gastrointestinal (GI) Stasis

GI Stasis, also known as ileus, is the slowdown or complete cessation of “peristalsis” which is the involuntary contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine that propels food through the digestive tract. GI stasis is a common and potentially life-threatening condition in rabbits that requires immediate veterinary attention. It is not a spontaneous occurrence but a symptom of something in the rabbit’s diet or environment that causes it to stop eating.

This is a medical emergency and can result in a painful death within just 12-24 hours without veterinary intervention.

If your rabbit is not eating, is refusing food and treats, or is not pooping they need to go to the vet immediately.


  • Improper Diet: not offering enough hay and/or offering too much greens / pellets.
  • Dehydration: inadequate water intake (water bottles) leading to constipation.
  • Obstruction / Blockages: also known as “bloat” or “wool block” can be caused by not grooming enough or ingesting plastic / rubber.
  • Lack of Exercise: a sedentary lifestyle due to restricted space (cages / hutches) or lack of interaction.
  • Environmental Stressors: moving, the loss of a companion,  loud noises (children, dogs barking, construction, fireworks) can cause rabbits to stop eating due to fear.
  • Pain: dental disease, urinary tract infections, cancer, or other underlying medical conditions can lead to a decreased appetite.


GI Stasis is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer” because the symptoms are very subtle. Be vigilant for any changes in appetite, fecal output, energy level and behavior as these can indicate an underlying health issue.

  • Anorexia: inappetence or a decrease in appetite, refusing even treats.
  • Lack of or Abnormal Fecal Production: small, dark, hard fecal pellets; or little to no fecal output for 8 hours or more.
  • Teeth Grinding: different then teeth purring, loud grinding is a sign of pain.
  • Lethargy or Hiding: sluggishness, a decrease in usual activity or hiding can indicate discomfort or pain.
  • Signs of Discomfort: belly pressing or frequently shifting positions as if they cannot get comfortable.


A veterinarian will try determine if your rabbit is in stasis or is obstructed (bloat) by palpating their abdomen. They will need to perform further testing, usually blood-work and x-rays, to determine the cause and proper course of treatment.

  • Medical History: inquiring about diet, housing and other factors in the home to determine if environmental stressors could be the cause.
  • Physical Exam: taking vital signs; checking the eyes, ears, nose and mouth for signs of illness; feeling the abdomen to check for the presence of food / feces, gas or an obstruction.
  • Blood Tests: help differentiate underlying conditions such as obstruction (elevated glucose), liver torsion (elevated ALT) or kidney failure (elevated BUN / creatine).
  • Imaging: X-rays or ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment is aimed at restore GI motility while addressing the underlying cause(s).

  • Analgesics: Buprenorphine or Meloxicam reduce pain to encourage the rabbit to start eating again.
  • Fluids: IV or subcutaneous fluids (Lactated Ringer’s solution) are given to rehydrate the rabbit and soften impacted feces.
  • Motility / Appetite Stimulants: Cisapride, Cyproheptide, Ondansetron or Entyce may be used to stimulate gut motility and appetite.
  • Nutritional Support: Oxbow Critical Care, EmerAid or Sherwood Digestive Support can be offered in a bowl if the rabbit is eating or syringe fed if they are not.

DO NOT attempt to syringe feed critical care until an exotic veterinarian has ruled out an obstruction, also known as “bloat”. Doing so can cause the stomach or intestine to rupture as the food cannot pass.

*How to distinguish GI Stasis & Bloat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVW6Rw5rZzo


The prognosis for rabbits with GI stasis depends on how quickly it is caught and treated, and the underlying cause. Early intervention typically results in a positive outcome, while delayed treatment leads to severe complications such as gut perforation, sepsis, and death.

Preventative measures:

  • Diet: feed a high-fiber diet of hay, with limited pellets and fresh vegetables. Watch to make sure that rabbits are eating normally and monitor fecal output and weight changes.
  • Grooming: do not skip grooming to limit the amount of hair ingested.
  • Exercise: providing plenty of space and encourage physical activity.
  • Stress Reduction: minimizing stressors and provide a stable, calm, and quiet environment.
  • Health Checks: Perform a weekly or monthly health check at home and take your rabbit to an exotic specialist for an annual wellness exam to catch and treat any health issues.