Surrender a Rabbit or Guinea Pig
Check out [Dolly’s Dream Home Rabbit Rescue] “The Dumped Diaries” series on the reality of dumped rabbits.
A Message to Our Community:
Southeast FL Rabbit Rescue is a foster home based rabbit and guinea pig rescue. We are volunteer run and donation based. We do not have a shelter facility and our ability to take in new rescues depends on the availability of a foster home and public donations.
We get 10+ surrender or re-homing requests PER WEEK, but only a handful of foster and adoption applications PER MONTH. Despite the tireless efforts of our volunteers, it’s physically impossible to keep up with the demand. This unfortunately, means we cannot accept new animals immediately, as much as we’d love to help everyone in need.
We maintain a wait-list and focus is on assisting urgent and critical cases while doing our best to support everyone who reaches out. We understand how frustrating it can be to be placed on a wait-list and sincerely apologize. While you’re waiting, we will try to provide helpful resources to explore alternative solutions, such as ways to avoid re-homing and/or safely re-homing yourself if waiting isn’t an option.
* Never to offer a rabbit or guinea pig for FREE unless re-homing them to a family member, trusted friend, or reputable rescue or shelter.
Help Us, Help Them:
It takes 4-6 months to find a suitable home for a single rabbit or guinea pigs. Bonded pairs or trios can take up to a year to re-home.
Each rabbit and guinea pig costs $150-400 on intake, depending on if they are already spay/neutered or not. This includes the cost of setup and supplies ($50), a wellness exam ($100), and spay/neuter surgery ($350 on average). Not to mention the ongoing monthly cost of food, hay, and litter, which are around $40/month per animal.
Reach out to us at to learn more about becoming a sponsor. Sponsors have the option to make a one-time donation, set up recurring contributions, or join our Sponsor’s Newsletter to receive updates on rabbits and guinea pigs in need of sponsor’s for spay/neuter services or emergency medical care.
If you ARE able to temporarily foster and/or sponsor the animal until a new home is found
we are more likely to accept animal(s) into the rescue if we have the time to find a permanent foster or forever home. While we do our best to help every animal, the most common reasons we’re unable to assist are a lack of available foster spaces and/or lack of funds.
If you ARE NOT able to temporarily foster and/or sponsor the animal until a new home is found
we’ll add you to our wait-list and work behind the scenes to place your animal(s) into a foster home as soon as one becomes available. In the meantime, we’ll also be fundraising to cover the cost of supplies and veterinary care.
If you can find a foster and/or sponsor through your own network of friends, family, or by asking online, we’ll be able to help sooner!